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Natural Weight Loss Program

12 Avril 2014, 00:05am

There are lots of reasons why you wouldn’t want to start a weight loss program: you might think that it will be unsuccessful, that it will be nothing more than a waste of time and you don’t even dare to think about weight loss surgery, because if you do, all that comes to mind are the possible side effects.

In other words, you are overweight, but you are too scared to do something about it. Think of it this way: we only live once, so rather than be miserable, try your best to be fit and happy!

If you want to lose weight without having to worry about your health, you can try a natural weight loss program. This way you will lose all those extra pounds for good, without having to worry in the process. So don’t stress yourself, because that causes obesity too!

Natural Weight Loss Program

Yoga is one of the best ways you can lose weight, because beside helping you become toned and fit, it will also aid you in acquiring a disciplined body and soul. It will improve your health, it will make you feel stronger and you will even be more flexible, not to mention that it is a great way to relieve stress. In other words, it will help you improve you appearance and achieve inner strength. Yoga

So if your mind is set on doing yoga for weight loss, you might want to think about joining a beginner’s class, because doing this form of exercise while being overweight and out of shape can be dangerous in the sense that you might hurt yourself, which means that it would all be over before you even got started. So listen to your teacher and your body!

Although yoga will not increase your heart rate enough to make you lose weight, by doing a more vigorous style you might be able to get there. So try doing a fast-pace series of poses, called sun-salutations from the flow yoga category, followed by a series of standing poses, to keep yourself moving. Do back bends and deep stretches once you are warmed up.

Then do vin, which consists of popular Yoga poses, such as:

1. Ashtanga: It is a very vigorous form of yoga and it is usually done only by the most dedicated of yogis. You need to be very motivated to do this, so a good idea would be to sign up for some classes. It is all about doing the same sequence every time, so once you learn the poses, you will be able to do it all on your own, in the comfort of your own home.

2. Power Yoga: This is a form of yoga which is very popular in dedicated yoga studios and even in health clubs and gyms. It is used to take Ashtanga even further with a fixed series of poses.

3. Hot Yoga: It’s Vinyasa yoga done in a hot room. You’ll be sweating like never, which means that you will lose weight and detoxify your body at the same time.

If you have a very busy life and you simply don’t have time to go to a yoga class or you can’t exercise properly if there are other people present, then you might want to think about just practicing it at home. But how, if you don’t know anything about yoga?

Here are some exercises you can do which will help you achieve results in 3 weeks:

First of all, you will need a yoga mat or a carpeted space. Then you must do this routine at least three times a week, holding each move one time for 3 to 5 deep breaths, unless you are told otherwise. There are 3 ways you can do each move: the normal way, the hard way or the easy way. It all depends on your physical condition.

In case you choose the hard way, you will need to hold each pose for 5 to 8 breaths and if you are told to do so, make 2 or 3 repetitions.

Crescent1. Crescent: This exercise will help you tone your hips, thighs and abs. In order to do this you must stand with your feet together, toes forward and arms to the sides. Inhale and raise arms overhead, reaching fingertips toward ceiling. Exhale, and bend you body forward from your hips, bringing your hands to floor (you may bend your knees).

Inhale and as you exhale, put your right leg back into a lunge (bend left knee about 90 degrees over your ankle, then extend your right leg and put it on the ball of your foot). Inhale and raise your arms overhead, while gazing forward. Hold, then return to standing position and repeat.

If you are a beginner and you want to make this exercise easier, you can lower your right knee to touch the floor as you step back into a lunge and rest your hands on your left thigh. If you want to make it harder, you can inhale and arch your torso, arms and head backwards from the end position.

2. Willow: For this exercise, which will firm up the sides of your abs, you have to stand with your feet together and arms at your sides. Then you place the sole of your left foot on your right thigh’s inside, with your knee bent to the side. Now touch your palms in front of your chest while you take 2 breaths.

When you’re exhaling the third time, extend your arms up, with your fingertips reaching for the ceiling.

Exhale and when inhaling, bend your torso to the left side, inhale and straighten. Press your foot to your thigh and do so 3 to 5 times and then switch sides.

You can make it easier by keeping your left foot on your calf or touching your toes to the floor for balance. If it is to easy for you, try closing your eyes as you balance and bend.

If you want to lose weight effectively, you will need to mix yoga with other forms of exercise, to raise your heart rate, until it reaches the “fat burning zone”. You will also need to eat healthy and choose exercises that will give your heart rate a boost, which in return will convince your body to start burning calories.

So add cardio or aerobic exercises into your daily routine. It’s a good idea to leave yoga as the last part, because that way you will be able to make your body relax after a hard day’s work.

So practice yoga, because it will help you accept yourself for who you are, which means that you won’t be frustrated and give up if the weight loss plan will get a bit difficult.